Notes to Self

Embarking on a new journey! Yes, it is the sweet smell of looking forward without letting anything get in my way. It has been a very frustrating year, with madly racing around to try and get a good job. The stress has been too much at times, but with each moment of strain, comes the ability to put up with more:)

In finding a job recently, it feels as though I am able to achieve, yet there are many emotions which hold me back. I know that 10 years ago I would not be thinking the way I do today, where the stress residing around the corner causes me anxiety at every turn. I was free back then, and without a worry in the world. It all seemed to be there for me, but not something I already had. My friends, teachers, principals, all thought I was going to make big things happen. But, as I sit here wondering where it all went wrong, I know that it rests within my confidence. My abilities to engage people is still there, but I am very shy in many situations.
The time has come for us to realize that this system is unsustainable.
There is no chance for the Unites States (US) to regain finacial compsure at a time where the interest consumes US worth in gold...literally. If the states was to sell there gold reserves today, it would only pay the interest amount for three years.
This is a panic situation, where we must realize that printing money itself is the creation of debt. We need to create wealth for the sake of eternal prosperity. I can name a few outcomes creation of greed, and how it removes our social well-being for the sake of profit.
1. oil prices
2. US 14.5 trillion $ debt
3. the need for extensive welfare coverage

Since money is created by a computer, couldn`t a nation also create their own money instead of borrowing. It is hard to imagine us needing to pay this amount of interest for the duration of our lives. We need to wake up and realize that there is more to life.

Bob Eckert - The Mattel Saga - Big Company Scumbags

To be 'virtually' critical makes sense, as it is the relief mechanism we should embrace to smile when we open the door.

On that note, it makes me sick to read about the BIG CORPORATIONS who seek world domination. What happened to the desire for the underdog to win? Of course it is still prevelant, but those who desire the underdog victory have no power (me, for one), and the need to stand up and scream for action is needed.
Look to Bob Eckert, CEO of Mattel, who is famous for riding the Barbie coat tails. He was recently present when the courts awarded MGA $88 Million in a decision regarding the ownership of the 'Bratz' dolls. MGA founded them, yet were steamrolled by Mattel, straight off the market. Upon reporter questions, he merely stated how Mattel is dedicated to making the best toys in the world. That seems like a cold statement, which neglects the ways in which they make the best toys. Do you take the rug out from under all companies that attempt to have a piece of the doll market? Only to bring the rug to your confines so you can steal the ideas? Sounds like another case of corporate goliath VS. David, and I do not agree with this one bit.
I wonder if Mattel would try to put my company out of business if I launched the "Bobby Eckert With his Pants Down", the doll!
I am very happy for MGA!!! It shows that a small group of minds can overcome the desire of corporations to eradicate them from the market. When you are a justified group, your truth can be heard!
Shame on you Mattel for spending millions on product development and needing to resort to litigated BS for your company to try and take away what is not rightfully yours. Not only that, but this legal battle they have created has killed the Bratz doll line, and eroded the glory that once was associated to it's growth.

Balancing the Budget is Hard to do:

How could this not be amusing...Standard & Poors is threatening to downgrade the credit rating of the United States within the next two years, unless they make drastic changes to balance the budget. I really wish my creditors gave me 2 years to clean up my act while allowing me to make blind promises on how I will improve my spending habits.
This is a joke, right? Wouldn't our Deficit be a combined effort of the people? Our current debts have eroded our ability for future financing. As long as we are faced with astronomical prices, we will need to use credit cards. As long as we have credit cards, the more borrowing we will need to replace that which we lose to interest. This crap called money does not even exist!! The interest you pay is created out of thin air, which then gets beamed to a bank account electronically. With interest, we have debt. With debt, we have interest. These two principles need to be exterminated from our daily routine. Think about the effort you put into this system everyday. You want more for your family, and grind everyday to make sure they experience what they can. The only problem is that as you hope for your world to get easier with age, the profit seekers will ensure that it costs you more.

If we are 30 days late on our phone bills we could be sent to collections, and that harms out credit acquiring chances. The US owes 14 trillion dollars!!! You would think there was a way to have corrected this level of spending.

What Happens When we Cannot Print More Money?

The scary point to the tale of our banking system is that it is a perpetuating beast with no limit on the debt it creates, until it is too late to save. This is the reason our money supply grows more and more and loses its value. When I say no limit, essentially, debt is erased by new debt which the government takes on. The problem is that the new debt will need to be paid back within a few years, which will only make the present disaster even worse. So as the financial hiccups hurt the individual who loses their house, that debt is allowed to be erased from existence as long as it is transferred into bond (for example), or paid with newly printed money. The only reason we are able to live on with all of this debt is because we hold one aspect dearly - the ability to print money! The US simply needs to print more money to payoff debt, or scribble on paper to create a bond.

This is completely unsustainable, since the value of the last dollar printed is worth less than the next dollar printed. Eventually, if production falls because people cannot afford to buy goods, the ability to maintain the dollar is erased, as production that is meant for export is not possible to maintain.

$100 borrowed today must make $110 later. This calls for more money to be loaned/printed, which drives inflation up. As we must constantly take on more loans to pay the original loan, this system will eventually bankrupt the governments as it did the people.

The most harmful aspect to me is that commodity prices adjust regularly to reflect inflation, while our wages require higher productivity, union agreements, and company success to grow. This is not something that adjusts through research. Instead, this is something which lags behind commodity prices. Over the past 2 years, I have witnessed a sharp decrease in paid salaries, and commissions. Yet, inflation is a constant and is expected to be between 1 - 3%, increased yearly. This is killing our standard of living, forcing us to spend with loans from our credit cards. The issue is we will extend ourselves beyond our means, pushing us into the same situation that happened in 2008, but even worse...